The 5 Best Florists in Alexandria, VA

Alexandria, VA has plenty of great florists to choose from. But with so many choices, deciding on someone to provide floral arrangements for your big event can be overwhelming. That’s why Stohlman Volkswagen in Tysons Corner has compiled a list of the 5 best florists in Alexandria, VA.


Conklyn’s has been around since 1938, providing floral arrangements to the good people of Alexandria. They offer same-day delivery, as long as you order within a certain timeframe. They even have a rewards program, in which you earn a point for every dollar you spend. You can use your points toward discounts or even donate them to the charity of your choice.

Contact Info


4406 Wheeler Avenue

Alexandria, VA 22304

Helen Olivia Floral Design

Helen Olivia Floral Design has been featured on or in The Knot, InStyle magazine, HGTV, Washingtonian, and many other places. They even provide workshops where they train you how to design your own floral arrangements. There are multiple classes for a variety of skill levels from beginner to advanced. Customers often rate them among the best florists in Alexandria, VA.

Contact Info


1519 Leslie Avenue

Alexandria, VA 22301

The Enchanted Florist

Besides having a clever name for their business, The Enchanted Florist has distinguished itself from other florists in Alexandria, VA by cultivating reputation for good customer service from a friendly and helpful staff. You can get a feel for their style of arrangements from the “Floral Lookbook” on their site. Besides delivering to weddings and events, they also provide weekly floral deliveries to hotels, restaurants, retail boutiques, private residences, and corporate offices.

Contact Info


139 S. Fairfax Street

Alexandria, VA 22314

Bloom Fresh Flowers

Bloom Fresh Flowers boasts famous clientele across the spectrum of politics and show business, including President Bill Clinton, the late Senator Ted Kennedy, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Sarah Jessica Parker, Maya Angelou, Lance Bass, Sofia Vergara, Bette Midler, and many more. They’ve also served a number of distinguished hotels, including the Gaylord National Harbor and the Ritz Carlton.

Contact Info


625 S. Washington Street

Alexandria, VA 22314

Foxchase Florist

Foxchase Florist features free delivery and offers a “Deal of the Day,” available on their website. Not only do they offer unique and custom floral arrangements, they also offer gift and fruit baskets.

Contact Info


4613 Duke Street

Alexandria, VA 22304

Drop by Stohlman Volkswagen in Tysons Corner

Once you’re done checking out florists in Alexandria, VA, drop by Stohlman Volkswagen and test drive one of our new cars. We also have a wide selection of quality pre-owned vehicles for sale or lease. You can even apply for financing. Stop by today!

Get Directions

8433 Leesburg Pike, Tysons Corner, VA, 22182
Stohlman Volkswagen 38.9243816, -77.2382036.